
Showing posts from 2010

Life Sans Google

"Google"- when the very first time i got an inkling of the name, it was difficult to grasp it initially. To be honest it sounded like some member of the octopus family, weird as it may sound but yeah that was my first impression of the name! The diffrenece however between the real one and my imaginary octopus being that this one is a multi-million legged stuff with unsurmountable capacityand capability. Google and its numerous applications have been through thick and thin - From preparing school projects to finding info on admissions and courses, ,to searching for answers and preparing notes, searching long lost friends, looking for that yummy choco fudge recipe, book review, bucket loads of info for research project, the right job hunt, "the way to a man's heart"-searches, the perfect wedding gift idea for friend searches, locating the best take home food joint searches to now giving insightful meanings of draconian english words to my students during class thr...